International Outstanding Young Scholar Award




The International Committee on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ICMSSE) is pleased to announce a call for nomination of the International Outstanding Young Scholar Award in the field of mine safety science and engineering. This prestigious award is given annually to excellent young scientists in recognition of their significant contributionsin any of the research fields related to mine safety science and engineering. Nominees must be under the age of 40 (born after 1984)


Candidates must be nominated by a member of the ICMSSE committee. The nominator will then seek the endorsement of the nomination by two or more ICMSSE committee members (herein called Endorsers). The nominator should write a brief citation of no more than 30 words highlighting the achievements of the candidate. Any ICMSSE member may nominate one or more candidates. The nomination package includes:

1) Completed and signed nomination form.

2) CV of the candidate. This should include 3 sections on: Relevance of the theme of research to mine safety, Recognition: Prizes/awards/scholarships/best presentation award/etc., and Research output: publications, Q1 journals, patents, etc. The list of scientific contributions like journal publications with impact factor of each journal, citation record, and patents. The most significant papers should be indicated with an asterisk. The CV should start with a short paragraph highlighting the originality, significance, and eventuality of innovative research developments of the candidate.

3) A letter signed by the candidate confirming his/her attendance in person at 8th ISMSSE meeting. No award will be made in absentia, except under extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of the ICMSSE's Selection Committee.


The nomination package should be sent by the nominator before May 1, 2025 by email to Bella Starnino at